Digital Communication

GiftTran MS extends customer relationships with digital communication
Coming soon!

These days digital communication is the key to any successful business. And GiftTran MS provides the tools you need to communicate with your customers. Using email, you can keep your customers informed and interested in your loyalty card system.

Digital receipts

Digital receipts are a perfect way to communicate with consumers. Saving paper is not the only benefit of digital receipts. By communicating with your customer at the time of the purchase you can provide them real-time information about their loyalty card account. And by including links back to your website in the receipt, you can drive traffic. Or you can even give away coupons in the email that make them come to your website to receive them. Or enroll them in a sweepstakes to win a free dinner or theater tickets. The possibilities are endless, and all are achievable through GiftTran MS digital receipts.

Email communication

Email communication is the key to sound business. Keeping your customers informed and increasing web traffic is key. With GiftTran MS, you can target email communication to your customers. Emails ranging from newsletters about new merchants to emails containing additional coupons good at your signature merchants are all possible. With GiftTran MS email communication you can target email communication to certain groups of people. Filter by customer demographics, frequency of loyalty card use or simply email all people that haven’t been using their card. And GiftTran MS manages the unsubscribe/subscribe requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act. And every email sent is tracked on a per customer basis, you can easily see read rate and click rate statistics for every email campaign.